Skip Bayless was on ESPN yesterday ranting about how the NFL thinks it can get away with bad officiating and doesn’t have to answer to anybody because of how big and powerful it is. Welcome to my world, Skip.
This isn’t an aberration. Sports talk radio and the cable sports opinion shows right now are full of people complaining about referees. This is all fine and good, but these people seriously ought to throw in some jokes along the lines of how referees have even less credibility than the Bush Administration, if only to show some understanding that the world is bigger than spectator sports. Of course to do that might require a broader perspective than these men and that woman have.
On another note, I fully favor rioting in response to cartoons. There just aren’t that many things to riot about -apparently I can't even find a url to place on "riot"- so you have to seize any opportunity.
Sure it would be nice if they had the cool weapons, but you do the best with what you have.